Sunday, August 21, 2011

A Birthday Celebration

What a fun weekend!  We had your birthday party yesterday so that your Grandparent's could be here.  Grandma Colleen and Grandpa Bud came up and brought Great-grandma Abbie and Great-grandpa Keith.  They stayed the weekend and went home this morning.  You really seemed to enjoy having them here...I guess a few extra snuggles never hurts.  

For the big party, Grandma Colleen made you a teddy bear cake.  My first birthday cake was a teddy bear cake so I thought it would be fun.  We closed off the alley between our house and Gertrude's   Grandma Bonnie and Grandpa Loren came, as well as Uncle Donald.  John and Mary from across the street, Nancy Murphy, Toby, Danielle and Ivan Primbs, Rebecca, Hans and Destiny Magnusson, and of course Mike and Kathleen. You have such a great circle of people who love you.  And it's even bigger than those who could make it.

You were pretty spoiled in the gifts department as well.

Rebecca and I had been talking about pinatas and birthday parties.  I thought it would be fun to start a tradition of pinatas at your birthday parties, so Rebecca got a pinata and made it fit the teddy bear idea.  She did a beautiful job!

And, then there was cake!  You weren't too terribly excited.  But you had fun smearing your cupcake around on your tray.

I have lots of thoughts about how special it was for you to have all of your grandparent's here and how lucky we are to have you in our lives, but I think I'll save that for another post.  I'm really a bit overwhelmed by it all right now!

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