Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Love Hurts!

You caused me some serious pain last week...and I still have the colorful eye to show for it.  Because you weren't feeling well, you came to sleep with Daddy and I. 

When you woke up fussing around 5:50, Daddy grabbed your blankie.  You were leaning on me, sat up somewhat, and then threw your head back.  Your head collided with my left eye.  The pictures below are a week after the fact.  I ended up putting ice on it immediately and it took a few days for full color to develop. 

You made Daddy a bit uncomfortable being out in public with me over the weekend; he was afraid folks might think he hit me.  Who would believe a toddler did it :)

Never thought I would get my first black eye at 31 years old from my toddler!

Monday, May 21, 2012

You and Newman

The two of you were looking pretty cute this evening on our new King-sized bed with me.  So, I took a picture with the webcam thing on my computer.  Love you!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Meeting Ethan Chase

Matt, Kristina and little Ethan Chase stayed over last night on their way to visit family back home on the coast.  It was the first time we got to meet him.  You mostly seemed more interested in his swing than him but you checked him out once or twice.  After I got the camera out, you started making silly faces at me though!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Communication...or Why I'm Sure You Are Stubborn

We, probably me as much as anyone, have been worried that you are a bit speech delayed.  Maybe you have something wrong with your hearing.  Maybe you're just a little slow.  Whatever.  Your great uncle Douglas suggested we get you checked and we certainly plan to do that.  If you need help, we want you to get it. 

So far, you use two words consistently..."shoe" and "up".  Today, I got the following message from your Dad:
While getting Dylan a snack, he pulled the dog treats out of the cupboard, took one out of the box, held it out, looked at the dog, and said "sit". Wasn't sure I heard it right the first time he said it but he did it 2 more times after that. Well now that just makes you seem stubborn :)  We love you so much and appreciate watching you learn and grow but, could you just decide to go ahead and tell me what you need when you wake up fussy in the middle of the night?  Seems like that might make things a bit easier for the both of us! 

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Gorgeous Day

We went to the carousel this afternoon and then got frozen yogurt afterwards.  You and I rode together.  And, it was so much fun!
Your Dad took this picture for us!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Wild Man

Or, Daddy strikes again!  Lately, when he gives you a bath, he's been letting your hair do wild and crazy things.  Today, he sent me the first picture.  I asked him to comb it nicely and ended up with the second picture and a question, "Better?"  You be the judge :)