Saturday, December 7, 2013

It Snowed

You didn't get a change to play in the "Christmas snow" as you called it yesterday.  So, today I agreed to take you and Riley outside to see it.  You were so excited you put your socks on, correctly, all by yourself.  Guess you do well with the appropriate motivation ;)

You kept telling me you needed to shovel the entire alley so the cars could drive.  You also wanted to visit with Da and Gigi but they weren't home.  I finally convinced you it was cold and you agreed to come back in the house.

This evening we also went to the tree lighting at Willamette.  You were so tired when we got home that you literally walked in, grabbed your blankie, and passed out on the couch.  You had gotten really cold at the lighting and got upset that we had left blankie at home.  Needless to say, you were pretty thrilled to grab it as soon as you walked in.

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