Friday, September 30, 2011

Hail Mary Camping Trip at Waldo Lake

It's always a fine line between going late enough in the season to avoid the mosquitoes and still getting decent weather but we made it.  We just got home from three days of camping at Waldo Lake with Don and Laura and a bunch of other folks.  It turned out to be pretty decent weather, got two days of kayaking in, and very few mosquitoes. 

You, however, have decided you have a mind of your own.  Imagine that!  We really should have gotten a pack and play for you but you slept with me for so long and we didn't really go anywhere we would need it that I put it off; boy do I wish we had one on this trip.  I think you and the rest of us would have slept better.  Oh well, guess it's all about growing up.  I'm not ready for you to be so grown up but I don't really have much of a say do I!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Oregon Coast Aquarium

Today was my first furlough for this biennium.  While I'm grateful for a job, it really sucks!  I decided to try and make the best of it.  You and I took Rebecca and Destiny to the Oregon Coast Aquarium using a Groupon.  Rebecca treated us to lunch at a Thai restaurant.  We stopped at Central Park in Corvallis on our way home and you ate half of an avocado all by yourself! 

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Things Don't Always Go As Planned...Or Your First Haircut

Sometimes Mommy and Daddy don't communicate as well as we wish we did.  Your first haircut was definitely one of those times. 

Your Dad had mentioned in passing that your hair was getting a little long.  I said something about you not needing a haircut.  To be honest, I've had a hard time with how quickly you are growing.  You look like a little person already rather than a baby.  I know that's how it works but as your Mommy, it takes a little getting used to. 

I came home from work last Thursday and instantly knew something was off.  Your Dad had given you a haircut and I missed it.  That's how I viewed it...he saw it a little differently.  Like that I'm a control freak and wanted to control your haircut.  He probably has a grain of truth there but I honestly just want to be involved.  I'm also a bit jealous that he gets to be home with you.  Since I was a little kid, I've always been afraid of missing out on something. 

It's humorous now but wasn't so humorous at the time.  He did do a good job. And, no we decided not to stage a photo session just so we could have photos of your first haircut!